We went camping! It was Chipmunk's first camping trip, which is weird because she loooooves nature and being outside, so I'm not sure exactly why we haven't gone before now. Anyway, all day yesterday, she had a total blast. She held a millipede for about 15 minutes, she went fishing, we went on numerous walks, she saw chipmunks and black squirells, we roasted hot dogs and made smores....I mean, it was a perfect camping trip. Everything I had hoped for and then some, really. (Until we get to the And Then... part)
Lake Wellington is BEAUTIFUL, just a gorgeous area---there were practically no other campers there--it really felt like we had this huge area to ourselves. And the rocks....the rocks were big and pretty and everywhere. We are a rock lovin' family, so this was a very good thing.
So anywho, here's the And Then!!! part. She went to bed without a problem--we cuddled up and made shadow puppets on the tent ceiling and giggled and had a very nice time. Then, for whatever reason, she woke up at about 3 am. I mean, was
awake. And behaving awfully: yelling and being super loud and obnoxious, shining the flashlight in my face and in Granny's face, insisting she was hungry and thirsty but wouldn't drink any water when we went and got her some, just....the whole thing was not fun. We kept telling her she had to be quiet so as not to disturb any other campers that might be in the area, which only made her louder. So I took her to the car and sat with her in there, and then my mom came out and took the long shift with her so I could get some sleep back in the tent. At that point, we had decided that we were packing up and leaving pretty much as soon as we could. Which is exactly what we did; packed up and burned rubber home. Not a great ending.
But. I think we'll try again. She just had SUCH a good time the first day, and honestly she was great at the beginning of the night...I don't know what happened later. Maybe she was scared? She wouldn't say, so I don't know for sure.
Here are a few highlights:
Millipede Girl!
Can I Climb It?
4 am. Not Happy.
More pictures can be found here: